Eyelash extension treatment - advantages and disadvantages of artificial eyelashes

Services involving natural eyelash extensions are becoming increasingly popular. The effect of such a procedure lasts for up to several weeks, and if necessary, the styling can be replenished at any time. Are you considering an eyelash extension treatment? Learn the 5 key advantages of natural eyelash replenishment and extension.

What are the benefits of eyelash extension treatment?

Right after the procedure, your eyes may be sensitive, but you will notice the effects of eyelash styling right away. This will help you evaluate whether eyelash extensions by 1:1, 2D, 3D or any other method is for you. Here are 5 benefits of eyelash extensions and thickening with false eyelashes and clumps.

  1. Convenience - this reason seems trivial, but this is why more and more women are styling their eyelashes at a beautician. Due to the fact that the effect lasts for up to 3-4 weeks, women can dispense with daily eye painting. Extended eyelashes perfectly replace mascara. In addition, if we do not paint our eyelashes, we also do not have to waste time on washing, which is not only long is also invasive to our eye. During makeup removal there is a risk of getting mascara into the eyes. When you wear eyelash extensions the risk of permanent eye irritation disappears.
  2. Saving time - this is another reason why you should opt for eyelash extensions. Eyelash extensions look great without additional use of mascara and other coloring cosmetics. It's also worth mentioning that it will take far less time to get your eyelashes refilled at a beautician's office than it will take to cover them up and wash them off every day.
  3. Saving money - many women point out that with glued eyelashes you can really save a lot of money. The burden on the household budget is only a visit to the beauty salon once every 3-4 weeks. Artificial eyelashes do not need to be painted, which translates into savings in terms of buying cosmetics for women.
  4. Unlimited stylistic variety - the beautician has the option to extend each natural lash for a natural effect. It is also an option to thicken the hairs so that the eyelid looks extravagant and timeless. As well as performing surgery without a scalpel, for example, covering up eyelid-related flaws, a sagging eyelid, a drooping eyelid.
  5. Spectacular effects lasting a long time - after the procedure of gluing artificial eyelashes, the first tufts will fall out on the first day, but it is worth noting that we will extend them from 300 to as many as 1500. To completely get rid of the effect you have to wait even a few weeks (it is recommended to replenish every 3 weeks to maintain the effect).

A huge advantage of artificial eyelashes is that your eyes look amazing 24/7. This means you'll look beautiful, anytime: while sleeping, working out at the gym, or even at the pool!

Artificial eyelashes at the beauty salon - what materials do beauticians use?

Do you want to be as satisfied as possible with the results of the procedure at the beauty salon? If you dream of long and thick eyelashes, be sure to choose such an office, where professional artificial eyelash adhesives are used. This is a guarantee that the artificial ey elashes will not overburden the eyelid and at the same time do not cause irritation. The type of glue used also translates into the durability of eyelashes made at the beautician. Before making an appointment, it is worth checking the reputation of the salon and the method of performing the procedure. If the beautician uses preparations for artificial eyelashes from proven sources, there is no risk that the tightening of artificial tufts will carry any risk.

Eyelash tightening and extension procedure - does it have disadvantages?

A certain disadvantage of eyelash extension treatments may be that the natural hairs will be somewhat weakened. The consequence may be excessive brittleness of eyelashes and loss. However, it is worth adding that modern application methods used by professional cosmetic establishments reduce the risk of hair weakening to practically zero. It is also worth adding that extended eyelashes last longer only with proper care. Regular washing with gentle products, such as chrissanthie shampoo, is recommended, and vigorous rubbing of the eye should be avoided.

Considering the pros and cons of eyelash extensions - it is worth opting for popular eyelash extension methods. It's a good way to transform your appearance, save a lot of time, and feel truly feminine every day.