Eyelash lamination

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Rarity eyelash lamination - what eyelash lift/lash lamination products are necessary?

Eyelash lift without dedicated products for eyelash extension treatment? It won't work! Fortunately, the Rarity Shop has the best quality products and styling accessories to make your eyelash lift treatment effective and provide stunning results.

All products have the necessary approvals and certifications. This means that they can be used unreservedly during an eyelash lift procedure - they are completely safe for clients and provide them with the necessary comfort.

What does eyelash lift/lash lamination consist of?

Eyelash lift is a relatively simple cosmetic procedure, the main idea of which is: to lengthen, lift, curl and nourish eyelashes. The first step is to change the shape of the eyelashes - the beautician applies a special preparation for this purpose. Then a silicone roller is applied to the upper eyelid, on which the eyelashes are "rolled". The next stage of the eyelash lift procedure is the use of a preparation that gives them a specific shape. At the very end, the cosmetician proceeds to fix the effect and moisturize the lashes.

How much does an eyelash lift cost? It depends on the chosen beauty salon, but prices are usually around PLN 100-150. The effect lasts within 4-6 weeks. There is a lying belief that allegedly lifting destroys eyelashes - this is, of course, not true. It is a safe, unobtrusive and painless procedure, which is also why it is so popular and popularly chosen by ladies who want to curl their eyelashes and get a spectacular effect at a fairly low cost.

Contraindications for eyelash lift include:

  • eye infections,

  • diseases of the organ of vision, such as glaucoma, cataracts,

  • dry eye syndrome,

  • excessive loss of eyelashes,

  • allergy to any of the preparations used during the eyelash lift procedure.

What are the results of eyelash lamination?

Eyelash lift gives the best results when performed with quality products. They allow the procedure to be carried out easily and quickly with the safety of the client. The most important advantages of eyelash lifting are first of all

  • beautiful appearance of eyelashes, lasting for a long time,

  • loss, thickening and strengthening of the delicate structure of natural eyelashes,

  • eyelash lift is a great way to regenerate and nourish,

  • use of recommended products during eyelash lift treatment minimizes the risk of irritation and unwanted allergic reactions.

We invite you to shop at Rarity Shop

You can, of course, find all the Lash Filler products from InLei in our store. However, our offer does not end there. Have a look at the rest of the products for styling and care of eyelashes and eyebrows and choose something for yourself right now. Feel beautiful and sensual with our help!