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In this category you will find current promotions. We often organize attractive sales, so you should definitely look here. Next to each product we provide information about how much you can save by buying a particular item. From time to time we reduce the prices of both gadgets and preparations, as well as artificial eyelashes or disposable items. Some discounts can be even more than 50%. What's more, when ordering from Rarity Shop, you are always sure that you are choosing a high-quality product that meets the manufacturer's promises.

Promotions - what makes our proposals stand out?

These are cosmetic items of high quality.
Most of them are available on hand.
When ordering in a promotion, you can buy more products at much lower prices.
Discounts apply to items from various categories, including disposables, cosmetics for styling treatments and many others.
Next to each of them you will find information on how much you are saving by selecting the goods.
Promotions are variable, so it is worth looking at this category from time to time and checking the current offer.

Exceptional products at promotional prices

Discounted products are many unique proposals that are very popular among customers of our store. We provide a wide selection of articles necessary for the daily work of a stylist at extremely attractive prices. We offer excellent quality preparations for eyelash styling, adhesives or tweezers - there is no one specific type of products here. We combine items from different departments, so almost everyone will find something for themselves. In addition, we encourage you to check out other categories containing suggestions such as eyebrow henna or 1 1 eyelashes.

Why should you shop at Rarity Shop?

Items at discounted prices, express shipping, multiple forms of payment and delivery - all this makes Rarity Shop a recommended store for eyelash and eyebrow stylists. If you are looking for a large selection of trusted brands, you can be sure that with us you will find suggestions for yourself: excellent quality false eyelashes, eyelash palettes or products that facilitate eyelash lifting/lamination. Attractive prices and professional service are other strengths of our offer. Remember also that you have the right to return the purchased goods.

Do you want to know more? Do you have additional questions? Feel free to contact us!