Eyelash extensions - how to take care of them?

Wearing eyelash extensions is not reserved for a specific group of clients. Any woman who wants to feel beautiful, elegant and stylish can opt for such beautification. Making an appointment for styling and sticking artificial eyelashes is not all that is worth taking care of. Also important is the subsequent care of the styling performed, so that the artificial eyelashes last much longer in impeccable condition.

Artificial eyelashes - problem or comfort?

There is no doubt that wearing artificial eyelashes is a great psychological comfort for any woman. Correctly done styling adds sex appeal, elegance and optically enlarges the eyes. Contrary to appearances, stuck-on artificial ey elashes are not at all problematic, although daily grooming and combing are highly recommended.

The care recommendations that the stylist gives to her clients are only useful information that helps to keep the styling in perfect condition for longer. This is no list of prohibitions and precepts that would change your life by 180 degrees right after the procedure is performed.

Facts and myths about false eyelashes - the most important information.

To explain why false eyelashes are no problem for women, it is necessary to dispel a few myths about them.

One of them is the tip that eyelashes must not be wet - this is, of course, a myth. You don't have to be careful with water. You can soak false eyelashes even immediately after making them. Sometimes it's even a good idea to gently splash the styling with cold water. So where did the recommendations for soaking artificial eyelashes come from? It stems from the early days of styling, which took place in 2005. Back then, completely different adhesives were used for bonding with the 1:1 method than today - back then, unfortunately, they were not touchable, so the artificial eyelashes could fall off after contact with water.

Here it is also worth mentioning the shock polymerization of the glue. Such a situation can occur when the undried glue comes into contact with water or excessive temperature. Then a white deposit can appear on its surface.

Eye hygiene is also quite a problem - many clients fear that washing the eye area too much may cause excessive loss of false eyelashes. Nothing could be further from the truth. Eyelashes protect the eyes from mechanical injury and dirt - that's mainly why it's so important to care and clean them daily, both artificial and natural.

Care of artificial eyelashes and eye area - how to do it right?

For daily care of the eye area and artificial tufts, it is worth choosing dedicated eyelash products. In this regard, it is worth trusting your stylist, who will recommend products to care for and moisturize the hair.

Eyelash - eyelash joints do not like too high temperatures. Of course, this does not mean that a single trip to the sauna will completely destroy the styling. This takes time, so you do not have to give up such activity and relaxation. The same is true of the pool and sports when you overheat your body.

We can highlight a few practical rules that will help you take better care of your false eyelashes:

  • Avoid rubbing too hard.
  • Try to comb your artificial eyelashes to avoid the formation of stuck clumps or the deposition of dirt.
  • Use only tested and dedicated cosmetics.
  • Verify your body's hormonal balance and health status - this translates into the durability of natural hair, and thus the durability of the artificial styling.

These are useful tips that every professional eyelash stylist should know. By passing on this knowledge to your clients, you can contribute to greater satisfaction with the styling. Remember that every stylist always cares that the stuck-on false eyelashes look their best for a long time.

Falling eyelashes in autumn - what does it depend on?

Many clients of eyelash styling salons complain in autumn about frequent overlapping of extended eyelashes, but also about their excessive falling out. This situation occurs mainly due to the change in the weather outside. What makes eyelash extensions and hair on the head become weaker and often fall out? Here are some factors:

  • in autumn, estrogen in the body decreases, while testosterone increases, so that old hair falls out and new hair does not want to appear,
  • in autumn the body's resistance to bacteria and changing temperatures decreases - this, unfortunately, adversely affects the skin and hair.

So what can be done so that eyelashes do not fall out so much in autumn? You can choose to do a slightly less heavy styling. Such an action has several benefits. In this way, you can not only reduce the number of falling hairs, but also reduce the risk of the so-called drooping eyelid. It is also crucial to keep your eyelashes well moisturized in autumn, as well as to change your diet to one rich in saturated fatty acids, iron and green plants, which are excellent sources of vitamins.