Stylist vs client - service in the salon

Receiving clients in your own beauty salon requires not only tailoring your offerings to the needs of those interested, but also maintaining a high standard of customer service. How to do this to satisfy everyone who shows up at the salon? It is enough to take care of the repetition of the activities performed about pleasant communication between the stylist and the client. In this article we explain what customer service mistakes are better to avoid.

Perfect eyelash styling - is it enough to satisfy clients?

Unfortunately, but even the best-made styling with artificial ey elashes is not enough to maximally satisfy clients. On average, treatments involving the gluing of artificial eyelashes last from one hour to even three, depending on the stylist's experience and the complexity of the styling.

In order to maintain the maximum level of customer satisfaction in your beauty salon, always make sure that you take the appropriate and, most importantly, INDIVIDUAL approach to each persona. Only then do you gain confidence that the client feels special and has the chance to establish a positive relationship with you. Cosmetic treatments are supposed to be a pleasure for a woman, not a compulsion. That's why maintaining high standards of customer service and repetition is so important.

The most common mistakes of eyelash stylists - problems and solutions according to Rarity!

Do you want to learn what situations to avoid in order not to alienate potential clients? Or are you worried that you are doing something wrong while performing the procedure of attaching false eyelashes? Here are three situations that can impinge on client satisfaction.

One is the tip that eyelashes must not be wet - this is, of course, a myth. You don't have to be careful with water. You can soak artificial eyelashes even immediately after making them. Sometimes it's even a good idea to gently splash the styling with cold water. So where did the recommendations for soaking artificial eyelashes come from? It stems from the early days of styling, which took place in 2005. Back then, completely different adhesives were used for bonding with the 1:1 method than today - back then, unfortunately, they weren't touchable, so the false lashes could fall off after contact with water.

  • Always write off messages and book emergency appointments on your calendar. If you're having trouble carving out some time to talk to people interested in your beauty services - maybe it's time to hire another employee? Remember that you should never ignore a client - whether regular or new. The same goes for your vacation. If you're going on vacation, make sure to keep your salon staff busy with customer service and appointments.

  • Remember your clients! Of course, this is not about camaraderie, but simply recognizing a person. If a regular client shows up at the salon and you are unable to recognize her - never let it be known. This is a real gaffe, which can result in the woman not showing up at your salon again. How to avoid such problems? You can keep a calendar along with information about which clients show up regularly. This way you will be the first to greet them by name, and this will translate into a more satisfied person after leaving the salon.

  • Take care of additional services and enhancements. What does this mean? Well, in addition to a professionally performed eyelash styling treatment and a friendly atmosphere, offer your clients, such as laying a massage mat on the chair, aromatherapy and relaxing music. Alternatively, you can opt for scented candles, which will bring a bit of a luxurious atmosphere to your beauty salon and translate into a good feeling for your clients.

Remember that good interpersonal communication is the foundation. Lack of conversation results in awkward silences, and that's something you don't want during a cosmetic treatment, which is supposed to be a moment of relaxation for the salon's clientele.

It is also a big mistake to be too lenient with cancellations - usually just before the time of the treatment. Lack of consequences for this causes clients to disrespect your working time. So how do you let those interested in treatments know that a deposit is required when booking an appointment? You can do it in a humorous way through social media - remember to act in a way that does not offend any of your clients.

Perfect customer service - can mishaps be avoided?

Mishaps in daily work happen even to the best eyelash stylists. Regardless of seniority and level of commitment. Sometimes all it takes is a moment of inattention or a drop in form on a given day. If you already make a mistake, try to get out of such a situation with a defensive hand, and never let your embarrassment show.
You can avoid mistakes in customer service in a simple way: come to work rested, charged with positive energy, and make sure that your colleagues are trained in customer service and treatment procedures.