Eyelash styling salon development - how to get new clients and keep them for longer?

Attracting new female clients is fundamental to running your own eyelash styling salon. Without people who are interested in getting their hair styled, you won't be able to generate enough income to sustain your business. Contrary to appearances, customer acquisition is not as difficult as it may seem. Problems in this regard are most often experienced by novice stylists who have just completed an eyelash styling course. In this guide you will find some useful information that will help you spread your wings and get new, regular clients.

Client acquisition vs. business planning - where do you start?

Before you begin to build a marketing strategy and make your first attempts to get clients, take care of your practical and theoretical knowledge. The first step to successfully opening your own practice is to take a full training course - these usually last up to a dozen hours.

Remember! Once you've completed your eyelash styling training, never wait a week or two to get started. Grab your tweezers even on the second day after the course and act. Practical skills play a key role in this profession.

Next, you should decide to do a few trial styles. Let's say that 10-15 free services will be enough to develop the right methods of action and consolidate your skills. When you build a portfolio of your first clients, inspire confidence among potential customers and boast about your achievements so far, it will be much easier to attract new clients.

Enrollment for eyelash styling - how to do it right?

The first questions about the possibility of signing up for the service may arise even at the stage of performing trial, free eyelash styling. Remember to prepare for such an eventuality. If you are not yet conducting enrollment and do not have an established business, let the interested client know when you plan to start enrollment.

Alternatively, you can save the contact and send a notification along with a price list on the opening day of your salon. This is a good way to get your first regular clients and at virtually no marketing cost.

Where to look for clients for eyelash styling services?

Beginning stylists should target a group of clients who have a lot of free time. The service time is likely to be a bit longer due to your relatively limited experience.

When running an advertising campaign, try to target women who are able to give you a little more free time in exchange for a perfectly executed service. To begin with, this is enough. As your experience grows, try to shorten your styling time. By doing so, you will begin to attract female clients in other age ranges and from other social groups.

How to attract clients to the service and keep them for longer?

A common practice of young stylists is to undercut prices in their price lists. Such actions, of course, attract the attention of potential clients, but over time this leads to a lower level of interest in the service.

If you already decide to reduce the price for eyelash styling, be sure to also inform what the regular amount is. This will help you avoid the surprise and dissatisfaction of clients, who will be obliged to pay more on subsequent visits. Otherwise, the client may feel embarrassed and is likely to switch to another stylist.

You can also tell your clients how often to refill false eyelashes. This will make it easier to make regular appointments and plan your calendar.

Here are some tips that will help you keep your clients for longer, as well as get new ones interested in your services:

  • always consider the needs of your clients,
  • state the time of service in advance,
  • indicate the regular price in your price list, even if you periodically reduce the price of the service.

To sum up: attracting new clients to an eyelash styling salon is not as difficult as you might think. Even as a novice eyelash stylist, you have a real chance to build an extensive portfolio. All you need to do is establish your audience well, invest in marketing and put client satisfaction first. This way, you will enter the industry with a bump and start earning money from day one of your business.