Accessories necessary for eyelash styling - meet the toolbox of an experienced stylist!
The right accessories needed for the work of an eyelash stylist are not only a set of tweezers, but also many other items that make daily work easier. If you're just starting out, you probably don't realize what the essential eyelash styling accessories are. We've created this guide to help you prepare your workstation and get started as a professional eyelash stylist - with full salon equipment.
Eyelash styling salon vs. equipment - what is essential?
When preparing your workstation, you need to take care of three basic elements: a bed, a chair and a lamp for illuminating the eye area. These three elements are the foundation for creating a functional eyelash styling space.
When it comes to lamps, be sure to choose ones with an LED light source. Such lighting does not generate heat. By using halogen lamps, you expose your clients to the warm air emitted by the light source, and this can affect your work with eyelash styling glue.
You will also need a professional cosmetic chair for your daily work. Ideally, invest in one that has a full range of adjustment. Similarly, for a cabinet bed - adjustment is useful, although here it is not a mandatory item. The most important thing is to make the surface of the bed as wide as possible. This will guarantee the comfort of your clients.
The eyelash stylist's trunk - what should be in it?
Are you completing your eyelash stylist's toolbox, but not quite sure what products you actually need? A gadget that you and your client will benefit from is a brush. Such accessories are available in two versions: with synthetic bristles - polyester or silicone.
Additional disposable products that you simply must have are:
- brushes and microbrushes (give them back to the client after styling),
- disposable trays for preparing the work station,
- fiberless (non-cotton) pads,
- brushes for washing and grooming.
In your trunk you also need to include products for separation and insertion of false eyelashes. Here you should stock up on foam, paper or medical tape for securing or flaps for securing the lower eyelid. Of course, you can't forget about convenient styling tweezers - straight or curved with different contact points. The stylist's trunk should also include proven preparations for eyelash styling. A good primer, cleanser and shampoo concentrate are essential to perform masterful styling and keep your clients fully satisfied.
Another product that must not be missing from your toolbox is a jade stone, or lash glue pad. On it you will be able to prepare the right amount of glue for styling, which will retain its perfect properties for longer.
Artificial eyelashes and the stylist's toolbox - how to choose them?
The real icing on the cake are properly selected artificial eyelashes. There are cartridges available on the market with different twist, length and thickness. When picking the cassettes you need for your work, try to choose those that will contain lashes of the same thickness and twist, but different length. This will make creating beautiful hairstyles much easier.
Remember, artificial eyelashes do not have to be black at all. You can offer your clients fashionable brown eyelashes, which will slightly refresh the face.
Holders for ready-made packages of eyelashes for styling are also useful. This will make your work much easier, in addition to streamlining the procedure of selecting a particular type of eyelashes by the client.
Practical toolbox of an eyelash stylist - what gadgets will work on a daily basis?
A handily indispensable and functional gadget that every beginner and experienced eyelash stylist should be equipped with is a case for tweezers. This way you can store your tools so that they are protected from mechanical damage, as well as from unnecessary dirt.
To sum up: there are really a lot of products that you need to purchase right at the beginning of your adventure. The first, one-time expense of completing a trunk will allow you to prepare perfect hairstyles. Over time, you will only change individual accessories and fill in the gaps of disposable items, and these are already small costs compared to building a toolbox from scratch.