Modeling and direction of eyelashes in practice - how to do it to make a masterful styling?
The contact surface is a key styling element that translates into the effectiveness of directing false eyelashes. Once you understand how to properly direct and maintain the correct contact surface, you will be able to create perfect styles that will delight even the most demanding clients. The problem with eyelash direction is much more complex than you think. See our guide and find out how to create flawless styles.
What are the most common mistakes of eyelash stylists?
Making the few moves from applying glue to applying to a natural lash is not that easy at all. Even professional stylists can make some cardinal mistakes that will negatively affect the effect of the styling done. A few mistakes we should avoid are:
- Gluing an eyelash on a wrist that is too flat, or the so-called "belly". In this case, the correct application of the tweezers is key. Many tummy tucks done during styling result in lashes getting tangled, rotating around their axis and simply looking unsightly.
- Gluing eyelashes from the root, without prior positioning. This is another cardinal mistake. In professional eyelash styling, you can't divide the gluing into stages. Artificial ey elashes must be glued once, in a decisive motion. Try to catch as much of the bonding area as possible. You will avoid the risk of losing the correct direction of eyelash styling.
- Direction on the "X " - is a situation where the next lash crosses the previous one. Such styling looks unsightly, can lead to clumps falling out and is simply a mistake in the art of styling.
If you want to improve your skills and direct your lashes the way they should be, it is essential to follow a few tips. First of all, practice your wrist work on a regular basis, attach false eyelashes using the "one at a time" method, and constantly expand your knowledge of correct directional techniques.
Directional techniques in ideal eyelash styling.
Commonly used directional techniques for false eyelashes are: angel wing, eyelashes parallel to each other, against the clock or sun. It is essential to acquire basic knowledge and practical skills before you start working with a client. Only when you correctly stick the clumps of false eyelashes, you will be able to perform perfect direction.
Check also: The most popular methods of eyelash extensions. In this article, we will give you a brief overview of what styling methods are worth starting with and what you can offer your clients.
Nevertheless, in order to perform correct directionalization, you always need to have the right practical skills that will allow you to quickly, efficiently and accurately glue synthetic eyelashes to natural ones.
You can make the process of eyelash direction easier for yourself by marking the directions on the lower eyelid protection pad with a marker. Draw on it the directions in which the lashes should line up and glue them according to the marked paths. In this way you will practice your skills and it will be much easier to perform correct direction.
Eyelash modeling in practice vs. matching the styling to the client's beauty
Before you start performing eyelash styling services, it is essential to determine the needs of your client. Talk about preferences, style of dress and occupation. In this way, you will be able to choose the type of modeling to perfectly fit the client's expectations.
For women in high-profile positions, suggest slightly lighter styles that won't be overwhelming. However, when focusing on the modeling of false eyelashes, you need to focus primarily on the weight of the eyelash. Here we are talking about five key parameters:
- styling method, such as 3D
- the thickness of the artificial eyelashes,
- twist
- length of artificial eyelashes (here avoid proposing a combination: strong twist and long eyelashes),
- color scheme - you can propose not only classic black eyelashes, but also in shades of brown or even different colored ones, which will emphasize the client's beauty.
Now you know where to start modeling and direction when performing eyelash styling service. Always, but always, try to match the color, thickness and length of the eyelashes to the client's beauty type and needs. Often, mis-matched weights make modeling ineffective and maintaining a predetermined styling pattern very difficult to achieve.
Remember, the key to executing a masterful styling is to maintain a high standard of service and precision. You will only do this if you know effective methods of modeling and directing eyelashes, and get rid of any shortcomings in your art as an eyelash stylist.