How to shorten the duration of an eyelash styling procedure? A guide for stylists
Optimizing your work time is the cornerstone of an eyelash stylist's daily operations. The faster you perform the styling, the more clients you will be able to receive during your working day. Of course, keep in mind that the pace of work should never negatively affect the quality of your artificial eyelash styling. Want to work shorter, more efficiently and at the same time not lose potential clients? Check out Rarity's guide and learn how to optimize your efforts.
When should you decide to optimize your working hours?
Proper organization of your own work is essential, especially if you don't want to spend all day in your salon. Many novice stylists have a lot of trouble keeping work-life harmony. The result is a lack of free time and a constantly high-paced life.
Here are some simple tips to help you start optimizing your work time. Don't set yourself up for immediate results. It's a long-term process that depends on: experience, commitment and your own determination. Here are five rules that will realistically speed up your work pace.
- Plan your workspace. Try to come to work a little earlier, and after you've finished your final styling, clean up your workstation, prepare your accessories for the next day, and make sure you have the right equipment. This way you will gain many precious minutes. For example: if you use primer or other eyelash products one day and no longer need them the next, put them away in a cabinet. This way you will bring order to your workstation, and this will speed up your activities.
- Dress comfortably. You don't have to look fashionable in your living room. Of course, a neat outfit is necessary, but the more comfortable you dress, the more efficiently you will be able to do your job. Tie up your hair, wear comfortable clothes and footwear... this is how you realistically optimize your work time.
- Establish the rules of your salon. You need to inform your clients that they need to show up for appointments at the scheduled time. Any lateness causes you to lose precious minutes in the day. Don't allow clients to talk on the phone while you're styling them or squirm unnecessarily in your chair - this is not conducive to optimizing your working hours.
- Plan, plan, plan... striving to organize your work requires diligent planning. You think you don't have time to keep a calendar and plan your work? Well, that's right... It's because you are not taking any steps in this direction. If you reorganize your activities and set a clear schedule for doing eyelash styling, you will be able to strongly optimize your work time.
Remember, too, that the experience you gain strongly affects how well you optimize your work time. If you are struggling to reduce your styling time, you may need comprehensive theoretical and practical training. The time for performing eyelash styling can be reduced to as little as a few tens of minutes, and this will allow you to accommodate all interested clients in a shorter time - without, of course, the risk that the service will lose quality.
Making appointments for clients vs. optimizing working hours - how to do it without going crazy?
The key issue in optimizing working time is to create a calendar for making appointments. You can create your own custom system or use ready-made solutions on the market. Any way is good, as long as it helps you manage your working time.
Try to divide your services into blocks of time. Determine how much time a particular type of false eyelash styling takes you. This way you will build a schedule of activities - even for a whole month ahead. Also determine the maximum hours you want to appear at the salon.
Of course, from time to time you can receive someone after business hours, but we rather not recommend this practice. Point out, however, that this is a one-time situation that should not be repeated.