Eye wear - why is hygiene of false eyelashes a must?
Proper care of eyelashes, eyelids and the eye area is essential to avoid many health problems. Eyelash is a common condition that affects many women. It is caused by a parasite called a nematode, which feeds primarily on dead skin and lipids. It lives in hair follicles and sebaceous glands, and lack of proper hygiene of the eye area can lead to the spread of the disease. Find out how to recognize the first symptoms of nematodes and what to do to avoid this health problem.
What is ocular nematode?
Demodectosis, or otherwise known as ocular nematosis, is a condition that is often asymptomatic. Nevertheless, when the parasite colonizes the cheek, forehead and eyelid areas, serious health problems can ultimately result. Nematode is a species of mite that is a natural part of the physiological flora of our skin.
You also need to know that this one is transmitted by all sorts of objects, such as hats, towels and hairbrushes. If you run your own false eyelash styling salon, you need to ensure that all accessories are perfectly clean and free of bacteria. Otherwise, the risk of getting an eye-worm infection increases dramatically.
Causes of eye weevil - where does this problem come from?
Eyeworm is a skin disease that develops primarily in people who have not taken good enough care of their hygiene. Lack of regular washing, combing and grooming of the face, eye area and eyelashes results in the disease starting to develop.
As a stylist, you also need to keep in mind that the pestilence is transmitted mainly through hygienic utensils. This poses a significant risk if you perform eyelash styling on a client who has been a carrier of the nuisance disease and do not ensure proper hygiene of your cosmetic utensils.
Remember, always sterilize your cosmetic accessories, such as tweezers, and use gloves and disposable items. When you take care of sterility in your eyelash styling salon, you will be sure that your clients will remain 100% safe and will not get infected with eye-worm at your salon.
Eyeworm and the symptoms of the condition - what should you know?
Every stylist should know what the symptoms of ocular nematosis are. If you receive a client in your office who is a carrier of the eye disease, rather offer to move the styling to another date. In extreme cases, the symptoms of the condition can worsen and a more serious infection can occur. Also, send the client for an immediate consultation with a doctor - she will surely thank you for your concern and be grateful that you helped her take care of her own health.
The symptoms of ocular neuritis vary, and the condition itself is mostly asymptomatic. In pregnant women and those with allergies, the first symptoms of the condition will be much more severe. The most common symptoms of eye-worm are:
- dryness of the eye,
- redness,
- a feeling of sand under the eyelids,
- inflammation of the edges of the conjunctiva,
- purulent discharge.
The role of the eyelash stylist in diagnosing the first symptoms of cysticercosis is incredibly important. How is this possible? Well, as a professional, you are responsible for your clients. So you should immediately inform women coming for eyelash styling if you suspect the first symptoms of nuisance in them.
How do you prevent the occurrence of eye weevil?
Eyelash stylists can prevent the spread of eye weevil by maintaining a high level of hygiene in their salon. This is essential to avoid exposing clients to the problematic condition, which is difficult and lengthy to treat. For clients who come to you for synthetic eyelash application, you can prepare some tips to help them avoid health problems associated with ocular neuritis.
Prevention for this condition is first and foremost:
- thorough facial care and daily makeup removal including the eye area,
- regular gentle massage of the eyelids in circular motions,
- warm compresses on the eyes, which cleanses the thyroid glands,
- frequent washing of the eyelid margins with a sterile cotton swab.
In general, prevention of ocular neuritis is all about personal hygiene. The better you take care of the cleanliness and grooming of your clients' eye area, the lower the risk of getting infected with eye weevil.