Do natural eyelashes grow back? The life cycle of the hair
Eyelashes in women are nothing more than a typical hair, which has its own growth phase and can also fall out over time. Such a phenomenon is especially common when we neglect hair care and do not lead a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes even a lack of a balanced diet causes natural eyelashes to become weaker, thin and fall out. If you work as an eyelash stylist on a daily basis, it is essential to learn about the life cycle of a hair and the structure of an eyelash.
Let's start with the basics, i.e. how is an eyelash structured?
Knowing the structure of an eyelash hair is essential knowledge that every stylist should possess. Human hair is a so-called appendage of the skin, a part of the body that grows throughout life. Eyelashes are hairs that are characterized by having dormant, or absent, muscles. How can this be observed? A good example is goosebumps. This is when the hair all over the body is slightly raised, while the eyelashes remain unchanged.
Before you start working with false eyelash styling, you need to learn how an eyelash is built. This is complimentary knowledge that will help you become an even better stylist in the future. Eyelashes are made up of three layers:
- the cuticle so-called hair scales,
- the cortical layer known as the cortex,
- the heart of the hair, or core.
The most important is this last element, the core. It is at the end of it that the papilla of the hair is located, which connects to the nervous and circulatory systems. Damage to the papilla of the hair can cause it to be lost irretrievably, which is especially important when styling and pulling off false clumps of eyelashes.
See also: Why do eyebrows and eyelashes fall out?
The characteristics of eyelashes are primarily the lack of adductor muscles, and the fact that they reach a length of up to several millimeters. Interestingly, we can have up to 250 eyelashes on the upper eyelid. In the case of the eyelashes of Polish women, the number varies from 140 to 190 lashes on one eyelid.
Hair growth cycle - what is worth knowing?
The stylist, when performing eyelash styling, can damage the structure of the hair and cause it to fall out. To avoid this, you simply need to regularly improve your skills and retrain to be an even better specialist in your craft. Nevertheless, it is very important to know the growth cycle of an eyelash. This one is divided into three stages:
- Anagen - is the period when the hair grows and can appear as a healthy lash
- Catagen - this is already mature hair, which also needs to be taken care of in order to keep it in impeccable condition for many years.
- Telogen - this definition refers to hair that is already falling out and dying. In its place is a new anagen, which in time will become a full-fledged lash.
As an eyelash stylist, you need to know that eyelashes stuck on the anagen will be the most durable, but regrowth will show up the fastest. Hair rotation is only tens of hundredths of millimeters. However, you must remember to glue the false eyelashes with safety procedures. If you damage the anagen, the lash will not grow or will simply fall out.
Eyelash structure vs. gluing synthetic tufts - summary.
Before you start styling eyelashes, always ask the client about her condition. This will make it easier for you to assess the condition of the anangen hairs, which are the basis for performing perfect eyelash styling. Also make sure that the lashes have the right pH - this indicator should be neutral or slightly alkaline. You will adjust it by applying the right eyelash styling products.
Artificial eyelashes never damage the natural hairs or cause excessive loss, as long as the styling is done correctly, of course. However, try not to overtax the natural hairs - the stronger the styling you do, the longer it will take the hairs to return to their original appearance after the synthetic tufts are removed.