Why do eyebrows and eyelashes fall out?
Eyelashes and eyebrows are thin, flexible hairs that are a natural part of the skin and serve an important function in the protective apparatus of the eye.
Eyebrows and eyelashes are made of keratin, a protein component that is also present in hair and nails. Each eyelash grows from a separate hair follicle and has its own individual growth cycle. Cellularly, eyelashes and eyebrows grow very fast, definitely faster than hair on the head.
Eyelashes cover the entire rim of the eyelids, and one upper eyelid can have from 120 to 250 eyelashes, on the lower eyelid from 50 to 150. Eyebrows overgrow the eyebrow arch, and their number is mostly genetics.
The life cycle of eyelashes and eyebrows is similar and lasts from 2 to 4 months during which time the hairs grow and then fall out, with new ones taking their place. However, this process is not the same for all people and can vary depending on individual factors such as age, lifestyle and environmental conditions.
Causes of losing more eyelashes and eyebrows
The loss of eyebrows and eyelashes is a natural phenomenon like the loss of hair from the head. However, you may notice a significant increase in their loss, the reasons can be many and the cause is not always a serious disease. Greater loss of eyebrows and eyelashes can occur with the change of season. The problem arises when the loss of hair in the lash line causes cavities, and new hair does not appear in its place.
The norm is the loss of 1 to 5 eyelashes per day, and the sudden loss of more eyelashes can be a symptom of disease.
- The most common cause of eyelash loss, which we often overlook, is an unhealthy lifestyle. Constant stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, too little water intake and general weakening of the body.
- Autoimmune diseases, endocrine system disorders including thyroid hormones, menopause, chronic weakening of the immune system.
- Skin diseases such as alopecia, alopecia areata, psoriasis, bacterial infections, inflammation of the eyelid skin, folliculitis of the eyelashes or eyebrows.
- Parasites, e.g., nematodes.
- Deficiency of vitamins A, C, E and minerals such as zinc and selenium.
- Use of overly strong eye makeup products, eyelash conditioners that are supposed to artificially stimulate hair growth, mascaras.
- Mechanical damage: bumping, plucking, rubbing, pulling.
- Frequent redness, irritation caused by contact with an allergen.
- Styling that is not done properly.
How to prevent excessive loss of eyelashes and eyebrows?
To have long and thick eyelashes and eyebrows, it is worth taking care of the proper condition of the hair. The easiest way is to look for the cause that causes the loss of eyelashes or eyebrows and deal with it.
I've already hinted at how to do it:
- Take care of proper hygiene, thorough daily makeup removal, moisturizing .
- If your eyelashes need regeneration apply nourishing oils or serums.
- Do not tug, pluck, rub or pull your eyelashes and eyebrows.
- Follow a proper diet rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals, proper hydration.
- Take care of proper styling, skillfully extend and remove false eyelashes, do not undergo too frequent eyebrow adjustment and coloring.
The loss of hair including eyebrows and eyelashes is a natural phenomenon and should not cause concern. The condition of eyelashes depends on many factors, however, a significant reduction in the number of hairs may be due to the lack of proper development of hair cells. The causes, as you can see, can be many and are not always clear-cut. It can be said that the appearance of our eyebrows reflects the state of our body, so if you notice a long-term or drastic decrease in the number of eyelashes, contact your doctor to find the cause.
When undergoing eyelash styling treatments, it is worth choosing a stylist who will not only perform the procedure, but will also care about the condition of your eyelashes by reacting to any changes.